Power-slides are used for tight turns, and players can maximize their vehicle's top speed by running over ten pieces of fruit. In addition to acceleration and braking, the go-karts can perform a number of techniques to make each race more competitive for skilled players. Players begin the tropical adventure by initially choosing one of eight characters: Crash Bandicoot, Dr. The Adventure mode is the main aspect of play, and it involves trying to beat a surly alien named Nitrous Oxide in a tournament spanning 16 races. Five game modes include Adventure, Time Trial, Arcade, Vs., and Battle.

Crash is joined by his sweetheart Coco, the evil Cortex, and a combination of animal friends and dastardly bosses from previous games, each individually rated in speed, acceleration, and handling. The famous orange marsupial returns for a fourth and final game on the PlayStation, this time from behind the wheel of a go-kart.