Now head inside Maz’s castle and go up to the second floor. You will see some writing in the back that translates to “The pirate is hiding something.” It’s not necessary to read the writing on the wall, but it’s a cool little easter egg for fans of the Clone Wars.

When the match starts, head towards Maz’s castle and run down the outer left wall along the shore. Even though this can be done as the First Order, it’s much easier to complete if you’re a Resistance member.

To complete this skin, you will want to be on the Resistance side on the Takaodana map. Battlefront 2 Darth Maul Guide – How to Unlock the Old Master Skin.(Author’s Note: A huge shoutout to the Battlefront 2 community for coming together and solving this puzzle! The credit for unlocking this skin goes entirely to them.) More Battlefront 2 Additionally, this can only be completed in multiplayer or Co-op not Instant Action. This is a fairly easy skin to unlock since it doesn’t require any shooting or killing of any kind.

One of these is Rey’s Resilient skin which is locked behind a Milestone titled “It Calls To You,” you will need to complete a series of puzzles in-game during a single match on Takodana. Along with bringing back the Scarif map from the original Battlefront, DICE has also included few ner hero skins. The final update for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is live and it’s introducing one more big batch of new content for players to enjoy.